Any recommendations on a good blogger blog?
1 answers. 1993 views. Posted by GreenRoofGuy(18) 4 months 12 days ago. flag | short link
Are there any recommendations on good Blogger blogs (for blogspot blogs) on Blogspot SEO?
1 Answers
Any reason your specifically looking to have your blog on the Blogger platform? Since you bring up SEO, I would say go with WordPress instead. If you are building a self-hosted blog - I'd say opt for spending a couple of bucks on a premium theme or framework, like Headway. But anything you do on WP will be better for your SEO than blogger.
Its the resistance to change - I've had a blogger blog for 2 and a half years - but I took your advice and started a WP blog - but learning appears to be more difficult than blogger - I'll keep both and see what happens.... --Reply posted anonymously 4 months 10 days ago.
GreenRoofGuy - chance can be a pain. That said- there are plenty of decent resources out there where you can get a definitive answer to any WP question or even snippets of code if need be. There are also plenty of YouTubes on setting up a WP site or Blog start to finish. It becomes a lot simpler once you understand how the platform works.:-) Good luck. It's worth it, once you get the hang of it.
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:-) --Reply posted by HaMedia 4 months 10 days ago.Thank you to visited, if you want learning interactive more, please come to my website.